Posted by : Sachin Kumar Sahu May 28, 2013

Youtube playerGoogle on Tuesday announced a minor feature addition that will likely take the online video world by storm: YouTube slow motion videos. The company claims its tool can create a smooth, slomo video that looks as if it was filmed with a high-speed camera.

To create a slomo video, visit the Enhancements tool or the YouTube Editor and apply it to one of your existing videos. You’ll get a smooth, slomo video that makes it look like it was filmed with a high-speed camera. Here’s a video reduced to 1/8th speed to give you an idea how it looks:

Below is a before and after example. Here’s the original video:

This is the same video reduced to one-eighth the speed:

Turn your next video into an epic slomo moment, and check out the rest of the free Enhancement tools available to help you build a whole channel filled with awesome videos of any speed.

Eron Steger, Software Engineer, recently watched ”The Beards - Got Me a Beard”

We’re wondering what kind of impact this feature addition will have, now that slomo can be imitated by anyone who uploads videos to YouTube. There will definitely be a surge of such videos at first, but will the overall popularity stay at the new high, will it fall back down to its current level, or will it hit a new low?

Google seems to think this is a good thing: “What’s the best way to make slomo better? Let everyone make their own slomo video on YouTube.”
If you’re wondering, YouTube currently also offers the following enhancements:
  1. Auto-fix: Performs a one click-fix to enhance the video’s lighting and color.
  2. Lighting and color: To manually adjust lighting and color, click the icon next to Auto-fix to open a panel of controls.
  3. Stabilize: Adjusts the video to correct any shakiness.
  4. Trim: Clip parts off the beginning and/or end of your video.
  5. Filters: The left side of the page shows pre-set color filters that you can apply to your video to give them a stylish and unique look.
  6. Face blurring: Protect the anonymity of people in your video.
You’ll notice that none of these are based on a specific type of video, however, so today’s feature addition is arguably the most interesting yet.

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