Posted by : Sachin Kumar Sahu May 24, 2013

Searching with Google can be fun too sometimes, see what you end up with by searching with these following keywords. Here’s how these tricks work:
  1. Type in the keywords
  2. Hit I’m feeling lucky
  3. Observe the result
You may have been familiar with Google-doodle. If not here is the Doodle definition from Google.
 Doodles are the fun, surprising, and sometimes spontaneous changes that are made to the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists.
But Interface is different the replace the whole site when you search certain type of words and instead you clicking on search button. You clicked on the button next to it "I'm Feeling Lucky" and you get redirected into some exciting page :)

So let’s get started.
Here is some of my favorite Interface of Google:-
Here are the keywords and their result pages.
  1. keyword: google gothic

    google gothic
  2. keyword: google cheese

    After hitting on "I’m Feeling Lucky", you will be brought to Zoom the map to maximum.
    google cheese
  3. keyword: google l33t

    google l33t
  4. keyword: elgoog

  5. keyword: linux

    google linux
  6. keyword: bsd

    google bsd
  7. keyword: google ewmew

    google ewmew
  8. keyword: google klingon

    google klingon
  9. keyword: google piglatin

    google piglatin
  10. keyword: google easter egg

    google easter egg
  11. keyword: google bork

    google bork

Source :-,

{ 3 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Cool! I've never know before.

  2. wow, really did not realize google have so many types... domo yahoo have this or not..


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