Archive for November 2013

It Turn You Into A Witch - Google's Halloween Doodle

By : Sachin Kumar Sahu
It's already Halloween in some countries, which means there's a new Google doodle.
Already live in Australia (and soon elsewhere) is a new doodle for the holiday, which lets users become a witch and create a witch's brew.
Users can combine various ingredients to play mini games, from whack-a-mole with the undead, to a shell game where your goal is to find a mummy in a coffin. There are several others, which can be found with experimentation.
That's about all you can do with this one, so if you're looking for an ending, it's a bit of a cliff-hanger.
Last year's Halloween doodle was similarly interactive, with a row of houses that contained various interactive elements.
Adorning Google's home page with decorative, and increasingly interactive alternatives to its normal multi-color logo has been a tradition for the company since 1998. There's a team of people at Google who create the doodles, though the company occasionally allows outsiders to make them too.

Click here to see actual doodle with all functionality.
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